& Cupping
Acupuncture overview
Many people approach Acupuncture when they feel they have exhausted all options with Western medicine, and are looking for a new, more natural approach to health and well-being without the side effects of drugs.
Acupuncture, is a big part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Along with herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha and bodywork, it forms an extraordinary holistic medicine with unlimited potential for healing.
Acupuncture is helpful with people whom suffer various health conditions and diseases. It aims to restore balance and homeostasis, and improve the health of all organs and systems in the body.
We focus on treating the root cause of the condition rather than suppressing or treating symptoms.
What is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is the use of thin and painless needles to treat all forms of bodily imbalances. The needles are placed in different areas of the body to help regulate the bodies natural energy and flow. Placement of the needles is established through taking a thorough history, and diagnosis of tongue and pulse.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture works by improving the body’s natural functions and promoting a process of self-healing. This is done by stimulating acupuncture points, along meridian channels throughout the body.
The foundations of Acupuncture theory is to establish harmony in the body, by balancing two energies -yin and the yang. When these are in balance, the body is healthy and symptom free. However when our energy is out of balance, the flow of energy (the qi) can become stagnant, blocked or deficient which leads to health conditions such as pain or illness.
How do you feel after acupuncture ?
Most people describe their post acupuncture feeling as “blissful”, “spacey” or a feeling they cannot put into words. It is most often when we leave someone for a short time with acupuncture needles in them, they fall asleep. Acupuncture has a profound effect on down regulating the nervous system to a state of rest and relaxation .