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How to Boost Your ‘Happy Hormones’ Naturally, Whilst Antidepressant Prescriptions Are On The Rise
Although we are only half way through Winter, it certainly feels icy cold, not to mention the piecing wind. Raincoats, puffer jackets, scarves, beanies and boots are out in full force in Melbourne. With more gloomy weather around, it can tend to have a direct effect...
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?
Vitamin D deficiencies are extremely common. As Melbourne now 'returns to the office’ it's a great time to think about your diet and sun exposure- are they supportive of healthy vitamin D levels? If you have fatigue, muscle weakness or cramping, depression or bone...
Laughter – The Best Medicine Around
Laughter is great for your brain, and the more chances you get to have a genuine laugh, the better your overall health is going to be. “Laughter is the best medicine” is not just a popular saying; it has ample scientific backing too. It has multiple health benefits -...
Alternate Nostril Breathing to Calm the Nervous System
Next time you find yourself in a heightened state, taking a few minutes to practise ‘Nadi Shodhana Pranayama’ (alternate nostril breathing) can help to calm the mind and the nervous system. This yogic breathing technique works by balancing yin and yang energies within...
As humans our need for connection is greater than we realise.
We are trusting everyone has somewhat surrendered to the change of pace in life and seeing some of the positives we can grasp from within. Personally I have seen so much kindness amongst the community, people going out of their ways to help others with shopping,...
Liquid Gold for Immunity and Gut health
With COVID-19 upon us it is of no doubt you are well aware that creating and maintaining an immune function is paramount to sustaining great health in Chinese Medicine. Gut hygiene from a dietary approach means protecting the integrity of digestive function: Avoid...
Peri menopause – how we can help reduce those hot flushes!
Menopause itself simply refers to the permanent cessation of menstruation due to the aging of the ovaries. Often called the ‘change of life’ as this stage signals the end of a woman’s ability to have children. It is important to understand that Menopause is a natural...
Life-Changing Loaf of Bread – (My new roots chef)
1 cup (135 grams) sunflower seed kernels (not in the shell) 1/2 cup (90 grams) flax seeds 1/2 cup (65 grams) hazelnuts or almonds 1 1/2 cup (145 grams) rolled oats (if making gluten-free, swap for quinoa flakes) 2 tablespoons chai seeds 4 tablespoons psyllium husks (3...
The mother of all addictions – Thinking
Addictive thinking is by far the most common addiction both literally and figuratively. It literally affects the entire population to some extent or other and figuratively because it is arguably the root cause of all other addictions. Our addiction to food,...
The Benefits of Zinc in Fertility
Evidence shows that healthy nutrition and fertility are linked in both men and women. Zinc is an essential trace mineral critical for our immune and cellular health, keeping our gut lining healthy and wound healing. It also plays a vital role in male and female...