Wellness Package

Detox and Cleanse Transformation!
Cleanse, Detox & Rejuvenate

Feel great and lose weight!

FREE 20 minute consultation!

11 + 9 =

How many of these sound familiar?

  • Frustrated with dieting and want to try something with lasting changes
  • Always feeling tired and exhausted
  • Difficulty with sleep
  • Feeling overweight or
  • Just feeling ‘BLAH’
  • Suffering with anxiety
  • Erratic moods
  • Chronic pain / headaches
  • Bloating and digestive problems
  • Menstrual cycle issues
  • Fertility challenges
If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above, keep reading… this program has been designed for you!
Detox & Cleanse Transformation
Why has this program been so successful?
Because we focus on ALL aspects of your health,

your WHOLE self

Body, Mind and Spirit

We recognise that a successful health transformation involves focus and cleansing at the physical, mental and emotional levels simultaneously.


“Take care of your body, its the only place you have to live” – Jim Rohen

The physical body needs to be treated with respect, care and support as it will serve you for your entire existence. The body is often the first to show signs of dis-ease and dis-stress when we are off balance in life. Its not until the physical body fails us, we truly appreciate its full potential.


“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow; Our life is the creation of our mind” – Buddha.

A healthy mind is de-cluttered and nourished with positive and compassionate thoughts. The mind impacts your body systems your behaviours and how successful you are at creating the experiences you want in life.


“Respond to every cell that excites your spirit” – Rumi.

Our spirit is often squashed in this busy world of climbing the ranks, expecting to find happiness. Our inner spirit is nurtured and comes alive when we are truly doing what makes us happy. Being in nature, with animals, or journaling are just a few ways to tap into our inner spark and find out what makes our heart sing.

FREE 20 minute consultation!

3 + 7 =

Detox & Cleanse Transformation
The benefits of this program
We have loved seeing the transformation of our clients who have been part of this program. Even after 7 to 10 days they are seeing some dramatic changes:
increased energy
“My energy has improved greatly and is more consistent throughout the day. I no longer rely on coffee for pick me ups”
improved and deeper sleep
“I sleep deeper and longer and feel refreshed and ready to take on the day”
decreased pain
“All my joints feel more free and fluent and I’m enjoying my daily exercise”
weight loss
“Effortlessly I have lost kilos without really thinking about it”
greater clarity
“My mind is clearer, my memory sharper and I’m making better decisions with less stress and worry”
feeling genuinely happier
“My moods are so much more stable and I’m learning to love who I am again”
“A noticeable and significant change we see in participants is the spark that comes back to life in their eyes, or you could say smiling happy eyes; no longer a dull, glazed over look”

Nat Draper – Founder, SoulPod Health & Healing


FREE 20 minute consultation!

12 + 15 =

Detox and Cleanse Transformation
So how does it work?
We recognise that a successful health transformation involves focus and cleansing at the physical, mental and emotional levels simultaneously.
We offer both a 6 and a 12 week program, giving you more options depending on your current state of health. Over the weeks we look in depth at all the major systems that impact your health, including the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems (hormones).


Acupuncture harmonises the nervous system, re-balances hormones and supports our body’s ability to detoxify efficiently. Acupuncture has a natural diuretic effect and can help reduce appetite or cravings. You may experience some side effects after a session including deeper sleep, increased energy, improved digestion, feeling relaxed and a clearer head. It’s like  a massage for your nervous system.


Your body is like a Memory stick that stores your life’s experiences and your Brain is the computer that does all the processing. Then there is the Subconscious, our Archive Keeper that is actually pulling all the strings. The impact of the Subconscious is often overlooked, so it’s crucial to address its impact when you find yourself feeling strung out or weighed down. Using Kinesiology to reset the Subconscious is the missing key when it comes to Cleansing Mind & Body. For many it’s the difference between a success cycle or failing back into old self sabotaging patterns. 

Food as Medicine

To educate you on your personalised food plan we have created based on both Eastern and Western philosophies. Understanding the importance of which foods help cleanse, detoxify and those that don’t suit your body type. Gluten free, dairy free and other dietary requirements are discussed.
What ever your health goal, like most people, you’re probably missing the most important link for success – addressing the WHOLE picture, body, mind and spirit collectively.
You will receive your own nutritional guidelines and appointment schedule customised to suit your individual constitution, medical history and health goals.
What’s more, this program is incredibly convenient! All treatments and appointments are conducted under the one roof, at SoulPod’s tranquil health oasis in the heart of Richmond.
Detox and Cleanse Transformation
The Break Down…

The 6 week


Initial welcome consultation & food plan

  • A full health screen including a thorough overview of your current health status, medical history, family history, lifestyle, stress levels as well as a review of your dietary intake. Here we determine if any further in house testing may be required.
  • Discussion and identification of your expectations and desired health goals entering this program.
  • A nurturing acupuncture session leaving you feeling relaxed, recharged and excited knowing you are on the right path to feeling awesome.
  • We will collate the gathered information to begin creating an individualised food plan and strategy for you to follow for the duration of the program.


Detoxifying, Cleansing and Rejuvenating Acupuncture (3 session)
  • These acupuncture sessions will vary from week to week depending on which phase of the program you are in. All sessions will support you during this detoxifying, cleansing and rejuvenating program, ultimately focusing on addressing the root cause of imbalance.
Kinesiology - Mental clarity and emotional cleansing (2 sessions)
These sessions will help you understand and define any goals and beliefs you hope to achieve; this is generally attained through goal setting. It is here you may find that emotional stress is a bigger factor than you think. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want from these sessions, many people come to their first session lacking clarity. When emotional stress is bought into conscious awareness it is easier to integrate and release, and break free from bad habits, thoughts, feelings and patterns.
Nutritional Support

Through out this package you will receive personalised recipes and email support to help keep you on track

Gift Bag including our best selling items


  • a gorgeous linseed eye pillow – to help you relax and unwind
  • our favourite liniment oil – to relieve aches and pains
  • our high quality magnesium bath crystals to soak away your stress
  • a bag of our highly praised artisan digestive herbal tea

Total Value of this Package


Now $1250

That’s a saving of $310 off our standard clinic prices!

The 12 week Transformation:

Initial welcome consultation & food plan (90 - 120 mins)

  • A full health screen including a thorough overview of your current health status, medical history, family history, lifestyle, stress levels as well as a review of your dietary intake. Here we determine if any further in house testing may be required.
  • Discussion and identification of your expectations and desired health goals entering this program.
  • A nurturing acupuncture session leaving you feeling relaxed, recharged and excited knowing you are on the right path to feeling awesome.
  • We will collate the gathered information to begin creating an individualised food plan and strategy for you to follow for the duration of the program.


Detoxifying, Cleansing and Rejuvenating Acupuncture (7 sessions)
  • These acupuncture sessions will vary from week to week depending on which phase of the program you are in. All sessions will support you  during this detoxifying, cleansing and rejuvenating program, ultimately focusing on addressing the root cause of imbalance.
Kinesiology - Mental clarity and emotional cleansing (4 sessions)
These sessions will help you understand and define any goals and beliefs you hope to achieve; this is generally attained through goal setting. It is here you may find that emotional stress is a bigger factor than you think. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want from these sessions, many people come to their first session lacking clarity. When emotional stress is bought into conscious awareness it is easier to integrate and release, and break free from bad habits, thoughts, feelings and patterns.
Nutritional Support
  • Through out this package you will receive personalised recipes and email support to help keep you on track
Gift bag including our best selling items

  • a gorgeous linseed eye pillow – to help you relax and unwind
  • our favourite liniment oil – to relieve aches and pains
  • our high quality magnesium bath crystals to soak away your stress
  • a bag of our highly praised artisan herbal tea

Total Value of this Package


Now $2150

That’s a saving of $470 off our standard clinic prices!

Sign up for a FREE 20 minute consultation to determine if this program is right for you!

FREE 20 minute consultation!